Trash Talk
Brief Description:
The teens in the CAUSE program begin in the training in the early Fall. Covanta Camden is located
within 4 miles of the Center, which provides ample opportunity for first-hand education about its
role in the community as well as its role in the Fishing for Energy partnership. Training will begin
with an overall introduction to the role of Covanta with respect to marine and derelict fishing debris
and 4 activity-specific trainings based on specialized science content and presentation skills
The teen interns will then develop a total of 4 activities, researching the robust resources of the
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, including a study of why and how the Fishing for Energy
public/private partnership works and develop a public presentation, demonstration or participatory
science or art project for aquarium, camp or community audiences. The teen interns will then
implement these activities during events such as CAUSE Summer Camp, Earth Day, Philadelphia
Science Festival on the Ben Franklin Parkway, World Oceans Day, World Rivers Days, Penguin
Awareness Weekend, or Turtle Awareness Weekend at the aquarium
Resource Values/Project Outputs:
This 18-month project, the CAUSE Program “TRASH TALK” Program, will have the following
outputs and outcomes:
1. 10+ teen interns will participate in the project.
2. 8 or more events will be implemented with over 10,000 served.
3. 4 activities/demonstrations developed for public education.
Cost/Budget: $49,892.68
Schedule: January 2017 - June 2018
Milestone 1 – 2017 Quarters 1 & 2: Research, Trip to Covanta and Training
Milestone 2 – 2017 Quarters 2 & 3: Program Development and Pilot
Milestone 3 – 2017 Quarters 4 – 6: Public Programming Development and Delivery
Permit Status: Not Applicable
List of Partners: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – primary funding ($24, 171.10) and
Covanta, New Jersey – match funding ($15,000) and youth training partner
What is requested from the CWRP/Contribution: We respectfully request support of $7,000
Point of Contact:
Angela Wenger, 856-361-1011, awenger@aquaticsciences.org
Project Purpose:
The purpose of the project is to foster awareness of the impacts that human actions have on our oceans. We will train teen interns from the City of Camden, New Jersey participating in the CAUSE program in Marine and Derelict Debris content supplementing with OR&Rs Marine Debris Activities
and Curriculum materials (http://marinedebris.noaa.gov/activities-and- curriculums).