Our Mission
A partnership of private corporations, federal and state government, conservation organizations and academia to protect, enhance and restore important aquatic habitats and water quality in New Jersey and surrounding areas.
Working Together to Make a Difference
The New Jersey Corporate Wetlands Restoration Partnership (NJCWRP) is an innovative public-private initiative aimed at restoring, preserving, enhancing and protecting aquatic habitats throughout New Jersey. Bringing together corporations, federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and academia, the NJCWRP allows participants to contribute in a fundamental way to crucial projects involving New Jersey's coastal and inland wetlands and aquatic habitats.
The NJCWRP is unique not only in its collaborative approach to solving the problems facing New Jersey's valuable water resources, but also in its ability to apply federal dollars to projects that improve the health of our coastlines, rivers, and waterways. Because company dollars are combined with governmental and other funds, the value of NJCWRP contributions has increased many-fold. A company's ability to leverage funds is one of many reasons the NJCWRP stands out in its conservations efforts.

Corporate Contributions Support Important Projects
More than 34 corporate partners have contributed time, materials and money to facilitate selected projects. Since its inception in 2003, NJCWRP has received more than $1,700,000 in contributions and pledges of in-kind services from its corporate partners. These donations have resulted in projects totaling more than $21,640,000 which have aided in the preservation, restoration, enhancement, and protection of more than 1,000 acres and 70 stream miles and numerous educational programs.
The NJCWRP has expanded greatly from its inception in 2003, and in 2023 was established as an independent non-profit corporation in New Jersey and is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 public charity.
Collaborating with federal, local and non-governmental partners, NJCWRP funds projects including: Marshlands, Fish Passages, Dam Removals, Reefs and Shorelines, Species Protection, Education and Outreach, and Cultural Projects.