Project Purpose: The goal of the project is to restore approximately 3,600 feet of Squankum Brook to provide migratory fish habitat and potential brook trout habitat in Howell Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
Brief Description: Howell Township is partnering with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to improve stream habitat throughout a 3,600 foot section of Squankum Brook. The reach of the Squankum Brook within the project area is currently channelized and substantially incised. This channelization work occurred in the early 1950s. The proposed project includes disassembling and increasing sinuocity within the stream to recreate some of the natural features of Squankum Brook that occurred prior to it being channelized. The project will dig or deepen 37 pools and runs, create point bars, and enhance 29 riffles at 41 discreet locations on Squankum Brook. The modified channel cross-section will help to concentrate low-flows, which will facilitate scour and pool maintenance. Trout Unlimited will install all streamside plantings.
Resource values / Project Outputs: The proposed project would involve restoring a section of Squankum Brook which flows into the Manasquan River. This reach is used by American eel and could be used for spawning by other migratory fish (e.g., blueback herring and alewife). In addition, this reach was used previously by brook trout and could be restored to provide habitat for brook trout. In addition, restoration of Squankum Brook would improve habitat for a variety of wetland dependent wildlife including a variety of wading birds, wood duck, and kingfishers.
Cost/Budget: $80,000.00 total budget
Schedule: Construction would start following securing all funding.
Permit Status: None
List of Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Howell Township, and Trout Unlimited.
Approved CWRP Funding: $25,000 to contribute to the restoration effort.
Squankum Brook Restoration