Lake Edge Restoration
Branch Brook Park, Essex County, NJ
Project Purpose: Implement storm water runoff controls and a riparian buffer along the lake edge in Branch Brook Park. Urban high school students will collect data, remove invasive species and plant vegetated swales.
Brief Description: The Branch Brook Park Alliance will implement environmental improvements in Essex County Branch Brook Park’s Southern Division, located in Newark NJ between Park Avenue and Interstate 280, specifically the design of storm water runoff controls and a riparian buffer along the lake edge. When completed, these improvements will have the net effect of restoring a healthy ecological balance to the entire western shore of Branch Brook Park Lake, thus improving water quality in this key component of the park’s waterways, an integrated system that is a tributary of the Passaic River. Students from Barringer High School, located adjacent to the project area will assist with data collection, removal of invasive species and planting vegetated swales and bioretention basins.
Resource values / Project Outputs: The lake edge restoration will restore natural stormwater protections, remove invasive species and improve the natural functions of an urban ecosystem that is a feeder stream to the Lower Passaic River. It will offer educational opportunities within the restore ecosystem for Newark school populations, including Barringer High School and local elementary schools.
Cost/Budget: $97,000.00 total budget
List off Partners: U.S. EPA, Wetlands & Watersheds, City of Newark Community Development Block Grant.
CWRP contribution: $18,650 to the restoration effort