Citizen Science within Our Arthur Kill Blueway and Greater Watershed Ecosystem
Brief Description: FCI s proposed project will assist CRPW mission and goals by proposing an integrated, complimentary project using a citizen science hydrological approach for assessing our local Johns Cove within our Arthur Kill Blueway and Watershed Biosystems, hydrological, human, vegetation and animal. The acquired water quality research, information and education on this vital ecosystem will empower our residents, stakeholders, government and business sectors to have a thoughtful voice in creating and sustaining a healthy, economically viable ecosystem which is timely since the cove is located across from Howland Hook Terminal.
Develop and / or utilize hydrological and educational tools needed to create an informed, diverse constituency on the benefits / local impact of the Arthur Kill Blueway and greater Watershed using the Johns Cove location as our project laboratory and physical educational locus.
Provide a proactive, coordinated organizational voice through the Watershed Association for taking a hydrological approach to the multiple environmental factors that impact upon this unique ecosystem within the Arthur Kill Blueway and the greater Watershed Ecosystem.
Resource Values/Project Outputs:
Johns Cove citizen science research will produce a permanent location for a coordinating community educational vehicle for the multiple sectors within our Blueway Watershed that is inclusive.
Two local science student workshops at John s Cove which will include Estuary Day at Peterstown Center with over 150 local students and 10 teachers participating and our listed partners.
Bilingual (Spanish / English) information and educational materials on the John s Cove ecosystem including a brochure, PowerPoint presentation, and two trifold posters.
Training for six college student citizen science stewards and leaders. Our audiences are the residents of greater Elizabeth NJ-Urban, first generational immigrants, low income. Connecting the Johns Cove research to non source point pollution they will coordinate the installation of at least 50 storm drain markers. These locations will be documented for existing conditions, mapped, and the GPS information shared with both the local municipality and NJDEP.
Cost/Budget: $37,990.00
Schedule: June 2014-November 2014
Permit Status: N/A
List of Partners: In Kind contributions from City of Elizabeth, US Army Corps.US Coast Guard, NJIT, Kean Un, JCSU, Rutgers Un., Infineum, DuPont, Phillips 66,our public and private school consortia.
What is requested from the CWRP/Contribution: $22,990.00
Point of Contact:
Michelle Doran McBean
office: 908.659.0689
cell: 908.230.9126