Beatty’s Mill Dam Removal and Restoration Project
Summary of Project:
Located in Washington Township (Morris County) and Hackettstown (Warren County) this obsolete, four-foot stone rubble structure is breached at the Musconetcong River stream bank thus altering the river’s course by forming a “U” around the dam and continuously scouring the bank.
This project is of high interest to both Hackettstown and to Washington Township (Morris County); municipalities own most of the land. Modeling in Model My Watershed indicates that streambank stabilization in this catchment could reduce its TSS contribution by 40%; a 20% reduction in TSS is estimated from removing the obstruction and stabilizing the banks for .15 stream miles. An associated 2.5 acres of wetlands is anticipated to reconnect to the river floodplain during the restoration. The entire floodplain restoration project has an estimated cost of about $100,000, a low cost for this type of project due to the small dam remnant size and easy site access.
Planning work for this project is currently underway. MWA has signed a contract with Princeton Hydro for Engineering and Planning of this project, utilizing William Penn Foundation funding. Washington Township (Morris) is working with the New Jersey Highlands Council to finalize a grant that would provide funding for a Functional Stream Assessment that will aid in the engineering in the designs. Kyle, Bill Leavens (MWA Secretary), and Geoff Goll (Princeton Hydro) presented the project to the Washington Township Council on December 12th. The Council was unanimously in support of our work. Kyle and Kerri Green from the Highlands Council will be reaching out to Hackettstown see about using some of their Highlands Council Funding to aid in the design of this project as well (about $20-30,000). Using these funds will allow MWA to utilize William Penn funds for finalizing design and permitting. Funding for construction and removal is still needed and we are planning to submit a grant to the Delaware River Restoration Fund, which usually has a submission date in April or mid-May. They require a $1:$1 match from non-federal, and non-William Penn Foundation funds. We can use the project planning funds from the Highlands Council as part of the match. A letter of support for up to $25,000 in matching funds is requested for the Delaware River Restoration Fund. Construction work would not begin until 2020.
Project Manager:
Kyle Richter, Watershed Programs Coordinator